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Fedor Dostoieswki – Memorias del subsuelo 130. ]/n spatial_match_helper: (password, graph, graph_name) ->n matches = []n i = 0n while i < password.length - 1n j = i + 1n last_direction = nulln turns = 0n if graph_name in ['qwerty', 'dvorak'] and @SHIFTED_RX.exec(password.charAt(i))n # initial character is shiftedn shifted_count = 1n elsen shifted_count = 0n loopn prev_char = password.charAt(j-1)n found = falsen found_direction = -1n cur_direction = -1n adjacents = graph[prev_char] or []n # consider growing pattern by one character if j hasn't gone over the edge.n if j < password.lengthn cur_char = password.charAt(j)n for adj in adjacentsn cur_direction += 1n if adj and adj.indexOf(cur_char) != -1n found = truen found_direction = cur_directionn if adj.indexOf(cur_char) 1n # index 1 in the adjacency means the key is shifted,n # 0 means unshifted: A vs a, % vs 5, etc.n # for example, 'q' is adjacent to the entry '2@'.n # @ is shifted w/ index 1, 2 is unshifted.n shifted_count += 1n if last_direction != found_directionn # adding a turn is correct even in the initial case when last_direction is null:n # every spatial pattern starts with a turn.n turns += 1n last_direction = found_directionn breakn # if the current pattern continued, extend j and try to grow againn if foundn j += 1n # otherwise push the pattern discovered so far, if any...n elsen if j - i > 2 # don't consider length 1 or 2 chains.n matches.pushn pattern: 'spatial'n i: in j: j-1n token: password[i...j]n graph: graph_namen turns: turnsn shifted_count: shifted_countn # ...and then start a new search for the rest of the password.n i = jn breakn matchesnn #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------n # repeats (aaa, abcabcabc) and sequences (abcdef) ------------------------------n #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------nn repeat_match: (password) ->n matches = []n greedy = /(.+)1+/gn lazy = /(.+? Germagic Biochemical Technology (HK) Co., Ltd. German Agency for International Cooperation, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, Human Gesellschaft für Biochemica & Diagnostica mbH, Indkøb & Medicoteknik, Region Midtjylland. Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Blackpool Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Hospital, Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health South Africa (Pty) Ltd, Bölükbasi Ilac Sanayi Ticaret Limited Sirketi, BQS BELGELENDİRME VE EĞİTİM HİZMETLERİ LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ, BRAILE BIOMEDICA INDUSTRIA COMERCIO E REPRESENTAÇÕES LTDA, Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust, Brigitte Mack Dipl.-Ing. Banja Luka, ERKA. ', null, null, '3#', 'wW', 'qQ'], 'A': [null, 'qQ', 'wW', 'sS', 'zZ', null], 'B': ['vV', 'gG', 'hH', 'nN', null, null], 'C': ['xX', 'dD', 'fF', 'vV', null, null], 'D': ['sS', 'eE', 'rR', 'fF', 'cC', 'xX'], 'E': ['wW', '3#', '4$', 'rR', 'dD', 'sS'], 'F': ['dD', 'rR', 'tT', 'gG', 'vV', 'cC'], 'G': ['fF', 'tT', 'yY', 'hH', 'bB', 'vV'], 'H': ['gG', 'yY', 'uU', 'jJ', 'nN', 'bB'], 'I': ['uU', '8*', '9(', 'oO', 'kK', 'jJ'], 'J': ['hH', 'uU', 'iI', 'kK', 'mM', 'nN'], 'K': ['jJ', 'iI', 'oO', 'lL', ',<', 'mM'], 'L': ['kK', 'oO', 'pP', ';:', '.>', ',<'], 'M': ['nN', 'jJ', 'kK', ',<', null, null], 'N': ['bB', 'hH', 'jJ', 'mM', null, null], 'O': ['iI', '9(', '0)', 'pP', 'lL', 'kK'], 'P': ['oO', '0)', '-_', '[{', ';:', 'lL'], 'Q': [null, '1!
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